Wednesday 14 September 2016

Back to uni

In 2 weeks i'll be heading back to university for my second year and thought for my first post i'd let you all know my tips for getting through university. No matter whether your in your first year or your last I think these apply to all. 

1.  Make sure you have plenty of paracetamol, ibuprofen, plasters and any other medical              things you may need in large supply. You never know when you or someone else might            need something. 

2.  Whether or not your out on a placement or your just having a full day in uni i'd always             advise preping a lunch you can take in the night before. Those daily tesco £3 meal                     deals will soon add up.

3.  Bring as much fancy dress as you can get your hands on, be it your old school uniform             or last years halloween costume, it will all come in handy. 

4.  When writing essays try to reference and do your bibliography as you go along, it                      will save you so much time at the end and you wont miss anything out. I've found                      Refme to be a really useful website. 

5.  Make sure you have lots of blankets and hot waterbottles, you'll need them in winter                when its freezing cold and you can't afford the heating bill. 

6.  In the evening after your lectures try and write up your notes. This will be really                         helpful when it comes to exam and revision time because you wont waste weeks                         writing study notes. 

7.   If your clothes are a bit creased and your in a rush get the hair straighteners out, they              work just as well as an iron. 

8.   Keep an emergency £5 note wedged in the back of your phone case or purse. It will                  come in handy beleive me.  

9.   To make a bit of extra money you can see any unwanted books or clothes on ebay. 

10.  Don't buy every book on your reading list. The price adds up so make sure you ask                     about the essential ones before you break into your student loan. Second hand books are         also just as good. 

11.    Joining your course's facebook page is really helpful as you can get advice from                         eachother and students in other years and ask questions before going to your tutor. 

12.   Make your bedroom really homely and decorate it how you'd like. I'ts the only room                 that's yours so you want to enjoy being in it. 

13.   Before you leave for a night out put a glass or bottle of water next to the bed. Your                     future hungover self will thank you!

14.   Always bring plenty of pens with you. Someone will always ask to borrow one and                     chances are you wont get it back. 

So those are just a few of my tips for university, not necessarily in that order. I'm really looking forward to going back, catching up with my uni friends, starting new modules and going to a new placement area. I'm also excited to get back into dance, team auditions and meeting the new freshers. 

To everyone else going back to uni or those of you who are just starting enjoy your welcome week and make the most of the first semester,


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